Saturday, August 13, 2011

More classroom photos

So Back to School Night is just around the corner and I've been a busy bee getting everything ready for that.  Powerpoint is almost done and packets too.  Here are some more photos of my room...I know I love peeking into your rooms as well. :o)

My 'BEE havior' chart...they can move their clips up or down in the same day.  I use student #'s instead of their names.

close up of the top 1/2

and close up of bottom 1/2
middle one is hard to read it says Bee - ware...

Our table is a word dictionary page we put several in a basket to help them during journal writitng.  I use to do individual word dictionaries but it's too expensive to make all the copies.  This is laminated and works great!

another view of my library

I LOVE this...I have heard about a tattle the turtle poem but couldn't find any short enough... so this one came to me and I think it's just right!!!

got this from a friend of mine -- I've seen it before...perfect for buddy reading!

My calendar board -- I call it the daily buzz...

My b/f/f's board...How cute is she...I love her owl theme!!

My bee board for the hallway

My other bee board entering my room

I LOVE my toy machine!!  Can you believe when we were dropping off stuff at Goodwill they were loading this in the truck?  I had to BEG the guy to let me buy it even though it wasn't put through the system yet to purchase.  He just gave it to's the best!!!

My reading strategies poster that our district uses...

That's it for now!!


  1. lOVE your bee room! I have a Bee themed room too. It is my first year so I do not have a ton of things, but I love all of your ideas!

  2. Just found your blog and love all of your ideas! Your classroom is so cute!! Love your tattle turtle poster/poem!

    Ms. Preppy's Adventures in Primary and Polka Dots
