Thursday, September 15, 2011

pointers for reading groups

my reading group pointers

Of course how can you read without 'witchy finger' pointers. :O)

the fake nail pointer  lol

The highlighter pointer -- my mom made these back in the 70's by cutting apart see through dividers -- she was so before her time in teaching. :o)

Reading groups are in full swing and I have had fun using these pointers with the kids.  Before I start each group I go over sight words with the kids.  I also play a sight word word find game.  They use the pointers you see above and highlight the word I ask them to find on each page.  After that they pick another pointer to follow along.  The ones with the pom poms on it they call Puffles -- for all you moms out there it's from Club Penguin as I'm sure you know.  They love the 'puffle' pointers -- surprisingly several of the boys like the fake nail one.  Anything to get a kid interested in reading I say :o)

1 comment:

  1. Love the fake nails! I'm going to make me some of these. I am enjoy your blog.

    2B Honey Bunch
